2022 Common Greens Farmers Markets Sustainable Farm Tour Host Survey

Host Contact Information

Farmer Name(s)
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Farm/Business Name
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Phone Number
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Email Address
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Address of tour location
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Host Details

Tell us what you produce (Check all that apply)
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Write a description
Tell us about your farm/homestead/garden and the tour you plan to offer
Describe yourself/selves, your background, your farm/homestead/garden, your approach to agriculture, and what attendees can expect to see on your tour.
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Please provide driving directions to your farm from the closest major road or highway
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Are you certified organic?
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Do you participate in any USDA programs?
Please let us know if you participate in any USDA conservation, risk management, or grant programs. (Check all that apply)
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Pictures help us promote your tour. Please consider uploading a photo or two that you are comfortable with us using for promotional purposes. Allowed file types are jpg, jpeg, png, gif, and pdf.
Upload your documents...
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Please provide between 3 and 6 potential dates between mid-June and Thanksgiving that would work for you. Weekdays tend to work well for attendees who are full-time farmers, while weekends tend to work well for the general public.
Select a date
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Select a date
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Select a date
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Select a date
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Select a date
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Select a date
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Time of day
What time(s) of day are best for you to host the tour? We recommend avoiding meal times and planning for the tour itself to take between 1 and 3 hours depending on the size and complexity of your operation.
List your preferred start time(s) and let us know if certain times are better for certain days
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Field is required!

Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
41 Croswell Rd.
Columbus OH 43214


OEFFA:(614) 421-2022 (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification:(614) 262-2022 (614) 262-2022