OEFFA Advertising Opportunities
OEFFA’s advertising options provide you an opportunity to reach 2,000+ members and supporters in across Ohio and the U.S. Our audience includes:
- Organic farmers
- Crop farmers
- Livestock producers
- Full- and part-time farmers
- Gardeners and homesteaders
- Government, nonprofits, and educators
- Conscientious eaters
OEFFA’s Quarterly Newsletter
The OEFFA newsletter is a 24-page quarterly print publication written by farmers, agricultural professionals and educators, and OEFFA members and staff. It features stories and updates about OEFFA’s work and programs, sustainable agriculture research and news, state and federal policy, resources, events, and more.
Newsletter readership ranges from 2,000-3,000 people per issue. The newsletter is sent by mail and email to OEFFA members, distributed at farm tours, conferences, and other OEFFA events, and is later available for free to the public online. View the OEFFA newsletter archive here.
Questions or want to learn more? Contact newsletter@oeffa.org.
Schedule and Deadlines
Sizes and Costs
Submission Guidelines
- High resolution (300 dpi or greater) black and white electronic ads (pdf, png, or tif) only.
- Mailed, scanned, or faxed ads will not be accepted.
- Email ads to newsletter@oeffa.org. Emails should include the name of the business, a billing contact name and email, the ad size, and the intended newsletter issue.
- Ads must be submitted by deadline and meet all design requirements.
Invoices will be sent by email or mail. Checks can be mailed to OEFFA News, 41 Croswell Rd., Columbus, OH 43214.
To purchase an ad via credit card, use this form.
Advertising questions should be directed to newsletter@oeffa.org or (614) 725-3160.
Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
150 E. Wilson Bridge Rd. Suite 230
Worthington, OH 43085
OEFFA:(614) 421-2022 (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification:(614) 262-2022 (614) 262-2022