2024 OEFFA Farm Tour and Workshop Series
Explore the farm this summer!
Featuring 10 organic and sustainable farms, and more than 20 virtual events, this annual series opens the door for farmers, educators, and eaters to learn about agriculture and local foods in person and online. From seeing milled grains up close to learning how to dye fabrics with indigo, there’s something for everyone!
Series partners: Central State University Extension, Common Greens, FairShare CSA Coalition, and The Ohio State University.

OEFFA believes farmers’ learning experiences should be accessible, diverse, and inclusive, addressing real-life issues, incorporating experiential knowledge, and encouraging personal and farm growth.
For these reasons, many of the events in this series are free to all.
But OEFFA can’t achieve this mission alone. Please consider making a voluntary donation to help OEFFA grow the next generation of farms and farmers. Thank you for your generosity.
Checks can be mailed to: 41 Croswell Rd., Columbus, OH 43214 (please note “Farm Tours” in memo line).
Farm Tours
Participant support is available to those who intend to attend an OEFFA farm tour and who identify as Black, Indigenous, or Persons of Color.

Goat Milk Herd Share Farm Tour
Saturday, June 22—1:30-3:30 p.m.
Everyday Acres
Farmer Maria Moss
2787 James Rd., Granville, OH 43023 (Licking County)
With her herd of 24 goats and 17 babies, along with a mixed flock of more than 50 hens, Everyday Acres serves 20 herd share members with raw goat milk and eggs and sells eggs at City Folks Farm Store in Columbus. Maria has been managing her farm since 2017 and will be giving a tour of her facilities, and answering questions regarding her business structure. Come to learn and enjoy the baby goats!
Parking: Overflow parking will be available at a neighboring church, Life Tabernacle, at 2689 James Road.

Integrated Farm and Café Tour
Saturday, June 29—3:30 p.m.
Fresh To Morrow Farm & Café
Farmers Ryan and Megan Doan
5190 Gilmour Rd., Morrow, OH 45152 (Warren County)
Fresh To Morrow is a seed-to-fork, family-owned farm and café. The farm practices no spray, regenerative farming, and permaculture methods. Their café is close to the Little Miami River and bike trail. This team has built a vertically-integrated food system that incorporates both their farm and other local producers. Building soil health, encouraging seasonal eating, supporting their local economy, and reducing food waste are important aspects of their work.
Details: After the farm tour, visit the café at 121 Main St., Morrow, OH 45152 for an optional mixer and to enjoy a meal or browse their selection of local goods.

Grazing Innovations Pasture Walk
Saturday, July 13—10 a.m.-Noon
Bair-Trax Farm
Farmers David and Annette Bair
2148 S. Childrens Home Rd., Troy, OH 45373 (Miami County)
This third-generation dairy farm is striving to grow healthy foods through healthy soils. The pasture walk will focus on successful innovations the Bairs have developed over the years. Attendees will see these techniques up close, ask questions, and discuss as we walk the pastures. Hear relevant information for both experienced grazers and beginning farmers.

Organic Produce Farm Tour
Saturday, July 20—10 a.m.-Noon
Hostetler’s Organics
Farmer Levi Hostetler
69 County Road 530, West Salem, OH 44287 (Wayne County)
Hostetler’s Organics has been growing OEFFA-certified organic produce since 2005. Each season the farm supplies Green Field Farms Co-op with zucchini, peppers, tomatoes, watermelon, fall squash, hay, and corn. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn techniques to increase production and profitability from a successful grower with years of experience.

Artisan Organic Grains and Milling Tour
Sunday, July 21—3-5 p.m.
Mud Run Farm
Farmers Alex Dragovich and Alexis Dragovich
14126 Millersburg Rd. SW, Navarre, OH 44662 (Stark County) Please see parking instructions below
Mud Run Farm is a small, organic, diversified farm sitting on 30 acres in northeast Ohio. Certified with OEFFA, the father-daughter duo grow and mill small grains for their region and serve as stewards of organics and the environment. Utilizing horse-drawn equipment and sustainable practices, this tour will showcase their knowledge of organic practices, small grains, and stone milling.

Parking: Parking will be at 4381 Muffly Ave. SW, Navarre, OH 44662. When arriving, turn slightly before/after the farm onto Sarbaugh St. SW. Then take the first left onto Muffly Ave.
Details: This tour is in partnership with the Climate-Smart Commodities Program, which is seeking organic row and grain crop farmers who want to incorporate climate-smart practices into their farm management plans. Learn more here.

Nutritious Grains Farm Tour and Grain Growers Chapter Meeting
Friday, August 9—1:30 p.m.
Next Gen Organic Farms
Farmers Marty and Levi Haselman
6444 State Route 65, Leipsic, OH 45856 (Putnam County)
Next Gen Organic Farms is a father and son operation in northwest Ohio. They travel to four surrounding counties to farm around 900 acres of certified organic corn, soybeans, and wheat. They strive to continue producing strong nutrient-based organic grains for consumers while keeping a good cover crop rotation and maintaining their soil health.
An OEFFA Grain Growers Chapter meeting will take place before the tour from 10-11:45 a.m. Bring a side dish or dessert to share for a potluck lunch from 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Meat, drinks, and serviceware will be provided. The tour will begin at 1:30 p.m.

Registration: To register for the potluck, contact Bridget Burgess at (419) 491-4436 or bburgess@hirzel.com.

Diversified Fruits Farm Tour
Saturday, August 17—1-4 p.m.
Boulder Berry Farms
Farmers Taylor and Alicia Clark
5580 Lundy Whitacre Rd., Morrow, OH 45122 (Warren County)
Boulder Berry Farms is a 143-acre farm located on Todd’s Fork Creek in southwest Ohio. They grow organic elderberries, haskaps, aronia berries, and kiwi berries. The farm also has a herd of purebred KuneKune pigs raised for personal consumption and for breeding stock, feeders, and farm companion sales. This tour will offer an in-depth look at the installation, maintenance, and harvesting of all the specific fruits Boulder Berry grows, as well as their ideas for further farm expansion.

Parking: Lundy Whitacre Rd. is narrow and has limited sight distance, so take care when arriving. Parking is in a field off of the paved road and close to the site.

Livestock Management Farm Tour
Saturday, September 28—3-5:30 p.m.
MoSo Farm
Farmers Molly Sowash and CJ Morgan
5686 Enlow Rd., Athens, OH 45701 (Athens County)
MoSo Farm is a small farm in southeast Ohio raising grass-fed beef and pastured pork for the community. The farmers aim to raise pastured meats in order to regenerate soil, sequester carbon, and provide nutritious food to customers. On this tour, attendees will see how they rotate cattle daily to fresh pasture and manage pigs on pasture, as well as how they planted 510 trees in order to implement silvopasture on 10 acres.

Organic Pork and Mushrooms Farm Tour
Monday, October 14—3 p.m.
Agape Organic Farms
Farmer Shara Trierweiler
1905 East Dexter Trail, Dansville, MI 48819 (Ingham County)agapeorganicfarms.com
Agape Organic Farms specializes in the ethical and sustainable production of purebred Berkshire pigs and more than 28 varieties of gourmet mushrooms sold direct to consumer, retail, and small-scale wholesale avenues. As one of only two certified organic Black-owned farms in Michigan, and the only Black-owned livestock farm, Agape is dedicated to empowering and supporting Black-owned and organic farms.

This farm tour has been canceled.

Ohio Soil Health Week Farm Tour
Sunday, November 10—2 p.m.
Martin Hollow Heritage Farm
Farmers Carolyn Moore and Danny Losekamp
8854 Martin Hollow Rd., Russellville, OH 45168 (Brown County)
Kick off the new Ohio Soil Health Week with a soil-focused farm tour! Martin Hollow Heritage Farm is a unique collaboration between landowner Carolyn Moore and farmer Danny Losekamp who raises cattle on the land, with support from longtime beef grazier Jim Linne. Walk through the pastures and identify the various species of grasses and legumes, take Brix readings, dig up some soil for a water infiltration demonstration, and talk about how USDA conservation programs helped fund the grazing infrastructure.

Workshops and Special Events

Lessons Learned in Social Equity
Thursday, June 6—1-2:30 p.m.
The Agricultural Justice Project (AJP)’s Food Justice Certification (FJC) standards address ethical working and living conditions for agricultural system workers and fair trade and pricing for farms and agricultural businesses. This session welcomes farmers who have worked through the FJC process, as well as those who have engaged with OEFFA/AJP technical assistance programs to implement different approaches to AJP standards on their farms, to reflect, reconnect, and look to the future.

Register at fairfarms.oeffa.org/lessons-learned.

Organics 101
Mondays, June 10, July 8, August 12—1-3 p.m.
Experienced OEFFA staff will cover the basics of organic certification, organic farming practices, and some things farmers should consider before becoming certified. From definitions of organic to the certification process, these workshops are open to anyone considering going organic.
- What is organic? (June 10)
- Is organic for me? (July 8)
- How do I become certified organic? (August 12)
Register for the entire series at news.oeffa.org/organics-101.

Farmer Help Shop
Third Monday of each month—1-3 p.m.
OEFFA’s team of educators is available to assist farmers at any stage of their journey. Whether you are making the switch to organic, are already certified, or have questions about sustainable agriculture practices, OEFFA can share guidance and support. Drop in virtually on the third Monday of each month to talk to sustainable agriculture educators with your queries and questions.
These themed Farmer Help Shops will have guest experts answering questions on specific topics:
- Intro to Organic Help Shop (June 17)—Learn about the definitions of organic, the holistic approach to organic farming, and land stewardship practices used in organic agricultural systems.
- Is Organic for Me? Help Shop (July 15)—Learn about how your farm business could benefit from organic certification (or not), and discuss the pros and cons of becoming certified organic.
- Land Leasing Basics Help Shop (August 19)—Learn about farm leasing and contracts.
- Farm Employment Law Help Shop (September 16)—Learn about farm employment law fundamentals, including classifying workers and the obligations of farm employers.
- Pitch Your Farm Dream Help Shop (October 21)—Learn about ways to approach landowners and financial institutions for accessing farmland.
- Cooperative Farming Help Shop (November 18)—Learn about the cooperative business model in local food and agriculture.
- Farmers Market Training Help Shop (December 16)—Learn about direct-to-consumer business, licensing and food safety, and USDA programs.
Register for the entire series at oeffa.org/support.

Site Assessment Workshop
Saturday, July 27—10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Preble County
Before investing in farmland, you need to find a place that is right for your business and your life. This full-day workshop is for anyone searching for farmland, and is suitable for crop, livestock, and agroforestry producers.
Explore topography, land infrastructure, location, soil and water, and other important considerations with hands-on activities, a site visit to a 3rd-generation family farm, and interesting tools. Gain the knowledge and confidence in your own land assessment skills, plus connections with a team of supportive technical assistants.
Cost and Registration: $125. This includes breakfast, lunch, and snacks. This workshop will take place in two locations in Preble County, Ohio—registrants will receive exact addresses. Thanks to funding from the USDA 2501 grant, partial registration scholarships are available for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) participants.
Register at outreach.oeffa.org/site-assessment.

The USDA and You: Local Food Grants
Monday, August 5—7-8 p.m.
Explore how federal funding can benefit a direct-to-consumer food system. Get an overview of the Local Agriculture Market Program (LAMP) and how it supports the development of direct marketing, local and regional food, and value-added agricultural products. LAMP encompasses the Farmers Market Promotion Program, Local Food Promotion Program, Regional Food System Partnerships Program, and Value-Added Producer Grants Program. Join this virtual conversation to learn how these are important investments to support your communities’ future growth.

Register at action.oeffa.com/usda-and-you.

Land Leasing Basics
Thursday, August 8—3-4 p.m.
Leasing farmland is so commonplace that landowners, farmers, and ranchers may not think twice about the lease itself…until things go wrong. Prevent problems with a strong lease while building a path to a resilient future. With Farm Commons, understand what a lease should include and how to put it in writing. Get started with the tools, knowledge, and skills you need to create a strong document that works for your needs, whether you are a landowner, rancher, or farmer.

Cost and registration: $25. Thanks to funding from the USDA 2501 grant, partial registration scholarships are available for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) participants.
Register at outreach.oeffa.org/land-leasing-basics.

Farm Employment Law Basics
Monday, August 26—3-4 p.m.
Farm employment law feels intimidating, but with just a few key rules and operating principles, the farm or ranch business can navigate this potential minefield with confidence. With Farm Commons, learn about the fundamentals of farm employment law, including classifying workers and the obligations of every farm employer. Understand where you need to learn more and where you can sit back with confidence, no matter where you are in your farming journey.

Cost and registration: $25. Thanks to funding from the USDA 2501 grant, partial registration scholarships are available for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) participants.
Register at fairfarms.oeffa.org/farm-employment-law.

OEFFA at the Ohio Pawpaw Festival
Friday-Sunday, September 13-15
Ohio Pawpaw Festival at Lake Snowden
5900 US Highway 50, Albany, OH 45710 (Athens County)
The Ohio Pawpaw Festival is a fun-filled, educational community event celebrating one of America’s largest native tree fruits, the pawpaw. Visit ohiopawpawfest.com to learn more about a community conversation organized by OEFFA about farmland access in the Meigs and Athens County area.
Register for the festival and learn more at ohiopawpawfest.com.

Sowing Seeds for Success
Thursdays, September 19, September 26, October 3—4-5:30 p.m.
Are you thinking about starting your own food- or farm-based business and don’t know where to begin? Are you ready to level up or are you thinking about adding a new venture to your existing operations? Two farmer entrepreneurs will be presenting the Sowing Seeds For Success: A Farm Business Toolkit curriculum to help you build your farm business dream. A simple guide created by small farmers to help get you started, it covers business structures, funding opportunities, marketing and fundraising, agritourism basics, and more.
- You and your great business idea (September 19)
- Setting up shop (September 26)
- Paint a picture (October 3)

Cost and registration: $75 for the entire series. Thanks to funding from the USDA 2501 grant, partial registration scholarships are available for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) participants.
Register at news.oeffa.org/sowing-seeds.

The USDA and You: Organic Transition Support
Tuesday, October 8—7-8 p.m.
Review how federal funding affects organic farmers on the ground, talking through the National Organic Program, the Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP), and how the feedback loop works within the USDA through the National Organic Standards Board with producers. An OEFFA Sustainable Agriculture Educator will review the TOPP program and how it’s being implemented in Ohio. Understand why these federal funding programs are critical for expanding the organic market and resilient food systems.

Register at action.oeffa.com/usda-and-you.

Pitch Your Farm Dream
Saturday, October 12—1-4 p.m.
Oberlin Public Library Community Room
65 S. Main St., Oberlin, OH 44074 (Lorain County)
A strong personal pitch can be essential for landing the land you want, but as a new farmer, promoting yourself can feel daunting. In this guided experience, participants create a personal farmer pitch, a story that highlights you as a person and as a grower. Build confidence and acquire strategies for engaging landowners or financial institutions. This workshop includes expert tips on what landowners are looking for, and face-to-face time practicing your uniquely crafted “farm-seeker pitch.”
Cost and registration: $75. Thanks to funding from the USDA 2501 grant, partial registration scholarships are available for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) participants.
Register at outreach.oeffa.org/pitch-your-farm-dream.

Cooperative Farming Learning Series
Mondays, October 21, October 28, November 4—3-5 p.m.
Cooperatives do business differently—they are member-owned and controlled businesses that share profits and other benefits with users based on principles like self-help and equity. The model has long been applied in agriculture. Learn about the cooperative business model in local food and agriculture contexts in this three-part series.
- Cooperation as a business model (October 21)
- Success as a cooperative (October 28)
- Cooperative farming financial considerations (November 4)

Details: Sessions will be taught by team members at the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Center for Cooperatives at OSU. The Center assists entrepreneurs, educates the community, and generates knowledge about the cooperative business model with a special focus on food, agriculture, and rural communities. Learn more at go.osu.edu/cooperatives or osucooperatives@osu.edu.
Register at news.oeffa.org/cooperative-farming.

Indigo Exploration Workshop
Saturday, October 26—9 a.m.-Noon
Praxis Fiber Workshop
15301 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110 (Cuyahoga County)
This hands-on workshop includes a brief history of Praxis and its indigo program, a tour of the studio and garden, and the chance to dye material in several indigo and natural dye vats. Praxis Fiber Workshop will provide bandanas and fabric, but guests are also welcome to bring t-shirts or something similar for dyeing.

Cost and registration: $50 for OEFFA members; $60 for nonmembers. Thanks to funding from the USDA 2501 grant, partial registration scholarships are available for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) participants.
Register at news.oeffa.org/indigo-exploration.

The USDA and You: Conservation Programs
Tuesday, November 12—7-8 p.m.
Explore USDA conservation programs and the ways they can benefit farmers. This session will focus on the NRCS’s Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). Learn about the historic funding in the Inflation Reduction Act, as well as how the programs work, their impact, and how farmers and farm advocates can influence their implementation to improve them over time. If you have used one of these programs, or are thinking about it, please join the conversation!

Register at action.oeffa.com/usda-and-you.
Safety Protocols at On-Farm Events
Under Ohio law, there is no liability for an injury to or death of a participant in an agritourism activity conducted at an agritourism location if that injury or death results from the inherent risks of that agritourism activity. These include, but are not limited to, the risk of injury inherent to land, equipment, and animals as well as the potential for you as a participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to your injury or death. You are assuming the risk of participating in this agritourism activity.

Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association
150 E. Wilson Bridge Rd. Suite 230
Worthington, OH 43085
OEFFA:(614) 421-2022 (614) 421-2022
OEFFA Certification:(614) 262-2022 (614) 262-2022